Am I competitive for UC admission?

Am I competitive for UC admission? Find out if you are in the running before you apply.

Here is a sample custom report created for a male student at Granada High School with specifics about UC Davis admissions. UC Davis Custom Report

UC Davis Custom ReportIf you would like a custom report similar to this for any of the UC campuses please send a paypal payment along with the answers to these questions:

  1. Are you a Freshmen or Transfer Student?
  2. Are you Male or Female?
  3. Did your parents attend college?
  4. University of California Campus you would like the report for?
  5. What field of study are you interested in (including undecided)?
  6. The name of your High School? (California High Schools only)
  7. Your weighted GPA?
  8. The email address where you would like me to send the report?

I will generate a Custom Report for you with as much information as I can tailor to your specific case. I do not need your ethnicity although ethnicity specific admissions information will be included based on existing UC categories. Reports will be emailed within 24 hours of your order. Find out the answer now, “Am I competitive for UC admission?”

Number of reports
University of California Campus
Please include your information

The report answers important questions such as;

UCLA Enrollment by Field of Study
UCLA Enrollment by Field of Study
  • How big or small is MY field of study at this UC?
    (“Big door vs. Little door” effects your chances of admission)
  • Will it hurt my chances if I apply undeclared?
    In the sample report the answer may not be obvious; however UCLA had only one student enroll in 2014 as completely undecided. Each campus is different. (I should clarify that “undecided within letters and science” is different from completely undecided. Some of the UCs welcome undecided applicants more than others.)
  • Is my GPA competitive for admission to this UC?
  • Are my test scores good enough to be competitive?
  • Is it an advantage to be a Resident, International or from Out-of-State?

The 14 Factors of Consideration

  • The UC uses a holistic approach which does include 14 factors of consideration. The report will cover most of them so you can see where you stand in comparison to other admitted students. If you find your test scores and GPA are in the 75th percentile at a campus you will be a very competitive applicant for that campus depending on your major (big door vs. little door).